Ways that you can help support my efforts. Pray for me. Share my story with a friend……..See someone tell someone. Your donation will help cover my legal expenses: Please sign my petition: Requesting that Marc Draper be granted commutation by the PA Board of Pardons and Governor Tom Wolf. .Read or Edit the Petition Governor Tom Wolf PA Board of Pardons This letter is seeking your support to recommend that Marc Draper’s sentence be commuted by Governor Wolf. It has been 36 plus years that Marc Draper has been incarcerated. During this time, he has demonstrated remorse, accepted his culpability, and focused on his rehabilitation. His resume is very expansive and includes earning an associate’s degree from Reading Area Community college, Completing the SCI-Frackville business program with honors, all prescriptive programs offered and available to him. In addition, his performance evaluations have consistently been “very good” to “excellent” and as a Laubach Literacy Master Tutor and Certified Peer Specialist, he has helped many fellow inmates become literate and earn their GEDs. He was nominated for the Outstanding Adult Student in Higher Education award offered by the Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education (PAACE) and continues to seek out and enroll in educational programs and encourage other inmates. Also included in his record is a recommendation from the district attorney’s office supporting his efforts to be paroled. If granted commutation, he is well equipped to obtain employment and be a positive influence on our society. He is a role model and a clear example of a person who has rehabilitated himself and is worthy of your support for a new beginning through commutation of his sentence. Therefore on behalf of Marc Draper, I along with many other supporters, respectfully request that the Board of Pardons support his application for commutation. Sincerely, [Your name] %your signature%You can add formatting using markdown syntax - read more BCC yourself Sign Now 74 signatures Share this with your friends: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn